Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Stupid things

At last week Szabi's OT asked me if I can teach Szabi at home how to blow... She said it would be useful for him. I know it myself, too, but it is not as easy as they think. She said we can try to blow candles or shoap-bubbles. Well, at Dóri's (my brother's daughter) birtday party Szabi wanted to touch that luckless candle or at least he wanted to taste it :))))
At home we tried the bubbles of course without any result, Szabi is very interested in touching them or takes apart the whole set, but that's all :))))

And of course on the bubbler-set there is a warning: don't use it with children under 3 :DDDD ha-ha.... I always have to laugh when I try to force Szabi to do sg. which isn't allowed or normal or usual at his age....
I decided to buy pencils, Play-doh, little chair and table for him and try to play with him as a big-boy, I am really curious how it'll work. Soon he has to go to a normal créche and there are only chairs and tables for them at meals, and little beds - not cribs, but I beleive if he sees the other children he'll do the same things as they.... Other moms said that our kids can imitate other kids very well :)
And a really good news: at least he is able to use his forefinger in normal use: if I ask him for example where is the kitten in a book he points out proudly... another milestone :)))))) although a plenty few months later than normal :(((( Sometimes I really give way to despair!
Love, Kati


Lisa said...

Does he just get cutier everyday?

Kerry said...

His pics are so adorable! That's funny they want him to start blowing... Brady's speech therapist wants to bring a sippy cup over. That will be interesting as I don't think he has the faintest notion on how to work those...

Nancy said...

He looks so much like Erik sometimes!

We love our Play-Doh. Erik tried to eat it at first but now can squish it in his hand and poke his finger into it. Beyond that, however, he doesn't do much. Don't get discouraged...just try to have fun. We have to remember to PLAY!

Congratulations on the pointing, too!

Ava's Grandma Kim said...

Szabi is so cute! Try not to worry too much. He will learn soon. Ava can't do much at all yet, but I know someday soon she will. At least she can give kisses now! Even is Szabi can't blow bubbles, blow them yourself! It's a lot of fun!!!