Thursday, November 15, 2007

The first snow

It was snowing this morning!!!! First time in this year (have to admit: last year there was no snow at all!!!!!) So: this is the first time when Szabi met the snow :))))))))) he doesn't really like the feeling when snow flakes were falling on his face, but loved the snow on the ground and of course the big plashes!!! This is not the real snow yet, only a little display, but it reminded me to go and buy warm boots for Szabi...yayyy


Tara said...

Love the picture!!! I can't wait for it to snow!!!!! Hope you are doing well :)

Penny said...

Great Picture. I am soooo jealous that you have snow....

Laura said...

What a great picture! Both of my kids can't wait for the snow.
How are you feeling?

Nancy said...

We just have rain here. :(

Szabi looks so adorable in his winter gear.

I hope you are feeling well and able to relax a bit!

Katie said...

Great Picture!
I wish just once we could have a white christmas!
I hope you are feeling well :)

Unknown said...

Hey is so cute, love the picture! I hope we get some snow this year, I love it. I can picture Szabi's face when the snow hits it, Ava Jewel makes faces when anything comes near her face, she even makes a funny face when the wind hits her.

Hope all is well.